. Emiyati, Syarif Budhiman, Ety Parwati


Shoreline is an imaginary line separating land and seawater. The intensification of land used/land cover at Lampung bay causes shoreline change either abrasions or accretions. The objectives of this study were to compare the shoreline extraction based on the digital image processing of SPOT-4 using ratio band of infrared and green band, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and (band infrared) methods and to analyze shoreline change at Lampung Bay. Those methods applied on both cloudy free and cloudy SPOT-4 images and the result compared with RBI map as reference. The result showed that the best metod for shoreline axtraction was ratio band due to accuracy high and stable eventhough it applied on cloudy image. The shoreline changes at Lampung Bay along 2008 to 2012 caused by accretions. The total area of accretion at Lampung Bay for fours years were 662 Ha with the rates 165 Ha/year. The high of accretion rate caused by reclamation for urban built up, fishponds and mangrove.


Shoreline, SPOT-4 image, Ratio method; NDVI; Single band infrared; Lampung Bay

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