Kuncoro Teguh Setiawan, Syifa Wismayati Adawiah, Takahiro OSAWA, I. Wayan Nuarsa


Remote sensing technology provides an opportunity for effective and efficient bathymetry mapping, especially in areas which level of depth changes quickly. Bathymetry information is very useful for hydrographic and shipping safety. Landsat medium resolution satellite imagery can be used for the extraction of bathymetry information. This study aims to extract information from the Landsat bathymetry by using Van Hengel and Spitzer rotation algorithm transformation (1991) in the water of Menjangan Island, Bali. This study shows that Van Hengel and Spitzer rotation algorithm transformation (1991) can be used to extract information on the bathymetry of Menjangan Island. Extraction of bathymetric information generated from Landsat TM imagery data in March 19, 1997 had shown the depth interval of (-0.6) m to (-12.3) m and R2 value of 0.671. While Data LANDSAT ETM + dated June 23, 2000 resulted in depth interval of 0 m to (-19.1) m and R2 value of 0.796. Furthermore, data LANDSAT ETM + dated March 12, 2003 resulted in depth interval of 0 m to (-22.5) m and R2 value of 0.931.


Bathymetry; LANDSAT ETM+; Van Hengel and SpitzerAlgorithm

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