Gathot Winarso, Anang D. Purwanto


Monitoring of mangrove damage in Java requires special attention because the mangrove vegetation has been under pressure from various other land uses which are considered more productive. This paper applied quick-mangrove-damage-detection technique using Landsat 8. The purpose of this study is to develop mangrove damage identification algorithm using Landsat 8. The findings from field survey in Segara Anakan-Cilacap show that major mangrove logging generates the growth of minor mangrove, specifically Derris and Acanthus type; the minor mangrove cover area is categorized as high density based on NDVI value. The index use does not meet the actual condition in the field. This study proposes a new index as mangrove quality indicator. The new proposed mangrove index is derived from 2 bands that could differentiate mangrove vegetation where different digital number of two bands is higher from mangrove forest than non-mangrove forest. That phenomenon is caused the low of SWIR spectral on mangrove forest due to absorption by wet soil below the mangrove forest where flooded in high tide.  The new mangrove index is formulated as (NIR – SWIR / NIR x SWIR) x 10000. The new mangrove index has good correlation with density of major mangrove in the field, and also good correlation with mangrove degradation map. Mangrove index has been functioning properly and can be applied in Segara Anakan, Cilacap and potentially can be applied in other locations.


Mangrove; new index; mangrove degradation; remote sensing

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