. Emiyati, Ety Parwati, Syarif Budhiman


In mid-December 2012, harmful algal bloom phenomenon occurred in Lampung Bay. Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) is blooming of algae in aquatic ecosystems. It has negative impact on living organism, due to its toxic. This study was applied Red Tide (RT) detection algorithm on SPOT 4 images and verified the distribution of HAB 2012 event in Lampung Bay. The HAB event in 2012 in Lampung Bay can be detected by using RT algorithm on SPOT 4 images quantitatively and qualitatively. According to field measurement, the phytoplankton blooming which happen at Lampung Bay in 2012 were Cochlodinium sp. Image analysis showed that Cochlodinium sp has specific pattern of RT with values, digitally, were 13 to 41 and threshold value of red band SPOT 4 image was 57. The total area of RT distribution, which are found in Lampung Bay, was 11,545.3 Ha. Based on the RT classification of RT images and field data measurement, the RT which is caused many fishes died on the western coastal of Lampung Bay spread out from Bandar Lampung City to Batumenyan village. By using confusion matrix, the accuracy of this this method was 74.05 %. This method was expected to be used as early warning system for HAB monitoring in Lampung Bay and perhaps in another coastal region of Indonesia.


harmful algal bloom; Lampung Bay; SPOT 4 image; red tide algorithm

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