Bambang Trisakti, Nana Suwargana, I Made Parsa


Land conversion occurred in the lake catchment area caused the decreasing of water quality in many lakes of Indonesia. According to Lake Ecosystem Management Guidelines from Ministry of Environment, tropic state of lake water is one of parameters for assessing the lake ecosystem status. Tropic state can be indicated by the quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll, and water clarity. The objective of this research is to develop the water quality algorithm and map the water clarity of lake water using Landsat 8 data. The data were standardized for sun geometry correction and atmospheric correction using Dark Object Subtraction method. In the first step, Total Suspended Solid (TSS) distributions in the lake were calculated using a semi empirical algorithm (Doxaran et al., 2002), which can be applied to a wide range of TSS values. Secchi Disk Transparency (SDT) distributions were calculated using our water clarity algorithm that was obtained from the relationship between TSS and SDT measured directly in the lake waters. The result shows that the water clarity algorithm developed in this research has the determination coefficient that reaches to 0,834. Implementation of the algorithm for Landsat 8 data in 2013 and 2014 showed that the water clarity in Kerinci Lake waters was around 2 m or less, but the water clarity in Tondano Lake waters was around 2 – 3 m. It means that Kerinci Lake waters had lower water clarity than Tondano Lake waters which is consistent with the field measurement results.


lake water; SDT; TSS; tropic state; water clarity

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