Anis Kamilah Hayati, Haris Suka Dyatmika


The huge size of remote sensing data implies the information technology infrastructure to store, manage, deliver and process the data itself. To compensate these disadvantages, compressing technique is a possible solution. JPEG2000 compression provide lossless and lossy compression with scalability for lossy compression. As the ratio of lossy compression getshigher, the size of the file reduced but the information loss increased. This paper tries to investigate the JPEG2000 compression effect on remote sensing data of different spatial resolution. Three set of data (Landsat 8, SPOT 6 and Pleiades) processed with five different level of JPEG2000 compression. Each set of data then cropped at a certain area and analyzed using unsupervised classification. To estimate the accuracy, this paper utilized the Mean Square Error (MSE) and the Kappa coefficient agreement. The study shows that compressed scenes using lossless compression have no difference with uncompressed scenes. Furthermore, compressed scenes using lossy compression with the compression ratioless than 1:10 have no significant difference with uncompressed data with Kappa coefficient higher than 0.8.


compression, effect, spatial resolution, remote sensing, JPEG2000

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