Jalu Tejo Nugroho, Zylshal Zylshal, Dony Kushardono


LAPAN-A3 is the 3rdgeneration satellite for remote sensing developed by National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). The camera provides imagery with 15 m spatial resolution and able to view a swath 120 km wide. This research analyzes the performance of LAPAN-A3 satellite data to classify land cover in Toba Lake area, North Sumatera. Data processing starts from the selection of region of interest up to the assessment of accuracy. Supervised classification with maximum likelihood approach and confusion matrix method was applied to classify and evaluate the assessment results. The land cover is classified into five classes; water, bare land, agriculture, forest and secondary forest. The result of accuracy test is 93.71%. It proves that LAPAN-A3 data could classify the land cover accurately. The data is expected to complement the need of the satellite data with medium spatial resolution.


LAPAN-A3 micro satellite; land cover; pixel-based classification

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