nFn suwarsono, Nanik Suryo Haryani, Indah Prasasti, Hana Listi Fitriana, M. Priyatna, M. Rokhis Khomarudin


Coal is one of the most mining commodities to date, especially to supply both national and international energy needs. Coal mining activities that are not well managed will have an impact on the occurrence of environmental damage. This research tried to utilize the multitemporal Landsat data to analyze the land damage caused by coal mining activities. The research took place at several coal mine sites in East Kalimantan Province. The method developed in this research is the method of change detection. The study tried to know the land damage caused by mining activities using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), NDSI (Normalized Difference Soil Index), NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) and GEMI (Global Environment Monitoring Index) parameter based change detection method. The results showed that coal mine area along with the damage that occurred in it can be detected from multitemporal Landsat data using NDSI value-based change detection method. The area damage due to coal mining activities  can be classified into high, moderate, and low classes based on the mean and standard deviation of NDSI changes (ΔNDSI). The results of this study are expected to be used to support government efforts and mining managers in post-mining land reclamation activities.


Damage area; coal mining; Landsat multitemporal

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