Tri Muji Susantoro, Ketut Wikantika, Lissa Fajri Yayusman, Alex Tan, M. Firman Ghozali


Severe abrasion occurred in the coastal area of Brebes Regency, Central Java between 1985 and 1995. Since 1997, mangroves have been planted around the location as a measure intended to prevent further abrasion. Between 1996 and 2018, monitoring has been carried out to assess coastal change in the area and the growth and development of the mangroves. This study aims to monitor mangrove growth and its impact on coastal area changes on the north coast of Brebes, Central Java Province using Landsat series data, which has previously proven suitable for wetland studies including mangrove growth and change. Monitoring of mangrove growth was analysed using the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the green normalised difference vegetation index (GNDVI) of the Landsat data, while the coastal change was analysed based on the overlaying of shoreline maps. Visual field observations of WorldView 2 images were conducted to validate the NDVI and GNDVI results. It was identified from these data that the mangroves had developed well during the monitoring period. The NDVI results showed that the total mangrove area increased between 1996 and 2018 about 9.82 km2, while the GNDVI showed an increase of 3.20 km2. Analysis of coastal changes showed that the accretion area about 9.17 km2 from 1996 to 2018, while the abrasion being dominant to the west of the Pemali River delta about 4.81 km2. It is expected that the results of this study could be used by government and local communities in taking further preventative actions and for sustainable development planning for coastal areas.


abrasion; accretion; NDVI; GNDVI

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