Sarah Putri Fitriani, Jonson Lumban Gaol, Dony Kushardono


The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) instrument of Sentinel-1 is a remote sensing technology being developed to enable the detection of vessel distribution. The purpose of this research is to study fishing-vessel detection using SAR Sentinel-1 data. In this study, the constant false alarm rate method (CFAR) for Sentinel-1 data is used for the detection of fishing vessels in Indramayu sea waters. The data used to detect ships includes SAR Sentinel-1A images and vessel monitoring system (VMS) data acquired on 8 March and 20 March 2018. SAR Sentinel-1 imagery data is obtained through pre-processing and object identification using Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) software. Overlay analysis is then used to enable discrimination of immovable and movable objects and validation of ships detected from SAR Sentinel-1 imagery is performed using VMS data. From overlay analysis, 46 ships were detected on 8 March 2018 and 39 ships on 20 March 2018. Of all the ship points detected using SAR Sentinel-1, 7.06% could be detected by VMS data while 92.94% could not. The number of ships detected by SAR Sentinel-1 is greater than those detected by VMS because not all ships use VMS devices. 


Fishing vessels detection; synthetic aperture radar (SAR); Sentinel-1; Java Sea; vessel monitoring system (VMS)

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