Suwarsono Suwarsono, Fajar Yulianto, Hana Listi Fitriana, Udhi Catur Nugroho, Kusumaning Ayu Dyah Sukowati, Muhammad Rokhis Khomarudin


This paper describes the detection of the surface water area in Cirata dam,  upstream Citarum, using a water index derived from Sentinel-2. MSI Level 1C (MSIL1C) data from 16 November 2018 were extracted into a water index such as the NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) model of Gao (1996), McFeeters (1996), Roger and Kearney (2004), and Xu (2006). Water index were analyzed based on the presence of several objects (water, vegetation, soil, and built-up). The research resulted in the ability of each water index to separate water and non-water objects. The results conclude that the NDWI of McFeeters (1996) derived from Sentinel-2 MSI showed the best results in detecting the surface water area of the reservoir.


Surface water area, NDWI, Sentinel-2, Cirata dam, Upstream Citarum

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