Samsul Arifin, Tatik Kartika


IInformation on land cover change is very important for various purposes, including the monitoring of changes for environmental sustainability. The objective of this study is to create a monitoring model of land cover change for the indication of devegetation and revegetation usingdata fromSentinel-2 from 2017 to 2018 of the Brantas watershed.This is one of the priority watersheds in Indonesia, so it is necessary to observe changes in its environment, including land cover change. Such change can be detected using remote sensing data. The method used is a hybrid between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) which aims to detect land changes with a focus on devegetationand revegetation by determining the threshold value for vegetation index (ΔNDVI) and open land index (ΔNBR).The study found that the best thresholds to detect revegetation were ΔNDVI > 0.0309 and ΔNBR < 0.0176 and to detect devegetation ΔNDVI < -0.0206 and ΔNBR > 0.0314.It is concluded that Sentinel-2 data can be used to monitor land changes indicating devegetation and revegetation with established NDVI and NBR threshold conditions.


Model, Monitoring. Land Cover, Sentinel-2, devegetation, revegetation

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