Bayu Elwanto Bagus Dewantoro, Panji Mahyatar, Wafiq Nur Hayani


The detection and monitoring of the dynamics of urban micro-climatesneeds to be performedeffectively, efficiently, consistently and sustainably inan effort to improve urban resilience to suchphenomena. Thermal remote sensing posesses surface thermal energy detection capabilities which can be converted into surface temperatures and utilised to analyse the urban micro-climate phenomenon overlarge areas, short periods of time, and at low cost. This paper studies the surface urban cool island (SUCI) effect, the reverse phenomenon of the surface urban heat island (SUHI) effect, in an effort to provide cities with resistance to the urban microclimate phenomenon.The study also aims to detect urban micro-climate phenomena, and to calculate the intensity and spatial distribution of SUCI. The methods used include quantitative-descriptive analysis of remote sensing data, including LST extraction, spectral transformation, multispectral classification for land cover mapping, and statistical analysis. The results show that the urban micro-climate phenomenon in the form of SUHI in the middle of the city of Salatiga is due to the high level of building density in the area experiencing the effect, which mostly has a normal surface temperature based on the calculation of the threshold, while the relative SUCI occurs at the edge of the city. SUCI intensity in Salatiga ranges between -6.71°C and0°C and is associated with vegetation.


Thermal Remote Sensing,Land Surface Temperature, Urban Microclimate, Surface Urban Cool Island

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