Bela Karbela, Pingkan Mayestika Afgatiani, Ety Parwati


The spatial and temporal capabilities of remote sensing data are very effective for monitoring the value of total suspended solids(TSS) in water using optical sensors. In this study,TSS observations were conductedin the westseason, transition season 1, east season, and transition season 2 in 2018 and 2019. Landsat 8 image data wereused,extracted into TSS values using a semi-analytic model developed in the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The TSS data obtained were then analysed for distribution patterns in each season. The sample points were randomly scattered throughout the study area. The TSS distribution pattern in the west season showeda high concentration spread over the coastal area to theoff sea, while the pattern in the east season only showeda high concentration inthecoastal areas. Transitional seasons1 and 2 showed different patterns of TSS distribution in 2018 and 2019, with more varied values. The distribution of TSS is strongly influenced by the season. Observation of each cluster resultedin the conclusion thathuman activity and the rainfall rate can affect the concentration of TSS.


LRainfall Rate, Total Suspended Solids, Seasonal Total Suspended Solids, Surabaya

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