Mangala Pakpahan


One laboratory required for the rocket research and development is launching testing facility. Currently, the only launching facility omned by Indonesia is the one located in Cilauteureun, Garut, West of Java. At the site, LAPAN also built aerospace observation facility. This observation facility supports the operation of the rocket testing launching station, and also one among some nodes of national and international aerospace observation network. Both facilities have been built and operated since 1963. Lately, there is a community opinion arise to relocate the facilities. Some of the reasons are the natural potential of the Cilauteureun sea shore for fishing area and tourim. The opinion comes as an effect of the National Regulation Number 22 Years 1999 on Regional Otonomy. This problem should be studied and solved. Yhe solution recommended for solving as well as for supporting the economic actifities of the communities. The natural potential of Cilauteureun should be used to lift up the needs fulfilling of the communities. Among the possible potentials are: 1) Using the Cilauteureun sea shore for tourism and fishing, 2) Lapan facilitates the tourism by Lapan facilities used for scientific tourism, 3) Lapan facilities the fishing activities as a lison office for the management of IZPPI, 4) Garut Regional Gavernment working along with LAPAN develop a plan of Cilauteureun Sea Shore and Santolo Island become a tourism object and fishing harbour.

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