Analisis Keberterimaan Teknologi Radar Hujan LAPAN

Wiji Prasetio, Asif Awaludin, Iman Haryanto, Kusnanto Kusnanto


According to National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) data, the trend of disasters in Indonesia that cause loss of property and casualties is mostly hydrometeorological disasters result. One of the ways to minimize the impact of this hydrometeorological disaster is through the use of radar-based space activities. The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) has developed an affordable ship radar-based weather monitoring radar in accordance with SNI 8829:2019. In order to disseminate and develop sustainable rain radar technology, this research was conducted on the aspects of acceptance of rain radar products by consumers through 4 dimensions of acceptance, namely economic value (price evaluation), technological characteristics (perceived benefits, perceived ease of use, product quality, and perceived risk), user characteristics (beliefs, attitudes to use, images, and usage habits), and environmental characteristics (social influences and facilitating conditions). These four dimensions with eleven independent variables are considered as factors that will influence the intention to use the LAPAN rain radar. The results obtained indicate that the acceptability aspect of technology has a correlation with user characteristics, technology characteristics, environmental characteristics, and economic value which together at a sufficient level have a positive effect on behavioral intentions in using and receiving LAPAN rain radar products. On the other hand, based on the technology acceptance index, it shows that respondents are at the level of receiving LAPAN's rain radar technology.


Keywords: LAPAN rain radar, technology acceptance, economic value, technological characteristic, user characteristic, and environmental characteristic.


LAPAN rain radar, technology acceptance


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