Penggunaan Satelit untuk Kepentingan Militer di Antariksa dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional

Eno Prasetiawan


ABSTRACT - International law gives States the right to use outer space for peaceful purposes. Nowadays, outer space is not only used for the sake of science and technology, but also for the military interests of a State. Military satellites are considered capable of contributing to support a State's military strength, such as for communication networks. The launch of military satellites for interstate military interests is increasing, raising concerns whether this is in accordance with the principle of using outer space for peaceful purposes as governed by international law. This paper will discuss the use of satellites in outer space for military interests under international law. The purpose of this study is to provide a prescription related to the legality of the use of outer space in international law, military activities in outer space based on the principle of peaceful objectives, and to determine the role of the international community in overseeing the use of military satellites for military interests. This writing uses normative legal research methods, by taking a statutory approach and conceptual approach. The results showed that the use of outer space for military purposes is actually not in accordance with the spirit of international law in general, especially the UN Charter and the 1967 Space Treaty. The international community needs to form a new international treaty instrument to regulate tighter use of satellites in outer space for military interests in order to achieve international peace and security objectives.



Military Satellites, Outer Space, Military Interests, Peaceful Objectives, International Law


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