Nadine Ayasha


The Himawari-8 satellite can be used to derive precipitation data for rainfall estimation. This study aims to test several methods for suchestimation employing the Himawari-8 satellite. The methods are compared in three regions with different topographies, namely Bukittinggi, Pontianak and Ambon. The rainfall estimation methods that are tested are auto estimator, IMSRA, non-linear relation and non-linear inversion approaches. Based on the determination of the statistical verification(RMSE, standard deviation and correlation coefficient) of the amount of rainfall, the best method in Bukittinggi and Pontianak was shown to be IMSRA, while for the Ambon region was the non-linear relations. The best methods from each research area were mapped using the Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API).


Rainfall Estimation, Himawari-8 Satellite, Google Maps API

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