The remote sensing technique can be used to produce bathymetric map. Bathymetric mapping is important for the coastal zone and watershed management. In the previous study conducted in Menjangan Island of Bali, bathymetric extractin information from the top of the atmosphere (TOA) reflectance image of Landsat ETM+ data has R2 = 0.620. Not optimal  correlation value produced is highly influenced by the reflectance image of Landsat ETM+ data, were used, hence the lack of the research which became the basis of the present study. The study was on the Karang Lebar water of Thousand Islands, Jakarta. And the aim was to determine whether there was an increased correlation coefficient value of bathymetry extraction information generated from Surface reflectance and TOA reflectance imager of Landsat 8 data acquired on August 12, 2014. The method of extraction was done using algorithms Van Hengel and Spitzer (1991). Extraction   absolute depth information obtained from the model logarithm of Landsat 8 surface reflectance images and pictures TOA produce a correlation value of R2 = 0.663 and R2 = 0.712.
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