Nur Adliani, Nirmawana Simarmata, Heriansyah Heriansyah


Remote sensing data and geographic information systems are widely used for land suitability analysis for crops such as coffee and corn. This study aims to analyze and map suitable land for the plant known locally as ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.).  As the cultivation of this plant is expected to be developed by the Institute of Technology of Sumatra, analysis of this type is needed. The parameters used in this study were slope, land use, rainfall and soil type. Information extraction from remote sensing data was carried out via visual interpretation of aerial photography used to create land-cover maps. Shuttle RADAR Topographic Mission (SRTM) data was converted from digital surface model (DSM) to digital terrain model (DTM) to provide elevation information. Land suitability analysis was performed using a scoring method and overlay analysis. The results obtained from the analysis identified several classes of land suitability for Physalis angulata L., categorized as suitable, less suitable, and not suitable. The less suitable class, scored at 9 to 11, comprised a total area of 180.96 ha, while the suitable area, scored at 12, comprised a total area of 49.1 ha.


remote sensing aerial photos; GIS; Physalis angulata L.; land suitability

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