Hermanto Asima Nainggolan, Desak Putu Okta Veanti, Dzikrullah Akbar


Prevention and mitigation of forest and land fires have important roles considering its various negative impacts. Throughout 2018, in Ogan Komering Ilir District, 864 hectares of land burned. This data increased significantly compared to the burned area in the previous year. Lack of field meteorological observation is still a problem in solving the problem of forest fire in the region. Consequently, we utilize NASA - GFWED and FIRMS satellite data to analyze the hotspots probabilities in Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra. Conditional probability analysis will be used to find out the likelihood of hotspots based on FWI and FFMC from 2001 to 2016. More than 50 percent of hotspots appear during extreme FFMC class and high to extreme FWI class. The probability of hotspots for extreme FFMC class and extreme FWI class varied between 0.3 to 10.4 % and 0.1 to 3.8 % respectively. Meanwhile, fire-prone areas with the highest density of fires are in the sub-district of Tulung Selapan, and the safest region is the Cengal sub-district.


FWI, Hotspots, Forest Fires, Conditional Probability

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