Anang Dwi Purwanto, Teguh Prayogo, Sartono Marpaung, Argo Galih Suhada


The need for information on potential fishing zones based on remote sensing satellite data (ZPPI) in coastal waters is increasing. This study aims to create an information model of such zones in coastal waters (coastal ZPPI). The image data used include GHRSST, SNPP-VIIRS and MODIS-Aqua images acquired from September 1st-30th, 2018 and September 1st-30th, 2019, together with other supporting data. The coastal ZPPI information is based on the results of thermal front SST detection and overlaying this with chlorophyll-a. The method of determining the thermal front sea surface temperature (SST) used Single Image Edge Detection (SIED). The chlorophyll-a range used was in the mesotropic area (0.2-0.5 mg/m3). Coastal ZPPI coordinates were determined using the polygon centre of mass, while the coastal ZPPI information generated was only for coastal areas with a radius of between 4-12 nautical miles and was divided into two criteria, namely High Potential (HP) and Low Potential (LP). The results show that the coastal ZPPI models were suitable to determine fishing locations around Nias Island. The percentage of coastal ZPPI information generated was around 90% information monthly. In September 2018, 27 days of information were produced, consisting of 11 HP sets of coastal ZPPI information and 16 sets of LP information, while in September 2019 it was possible to produce 29 days of such information, comprising 11 sets of HP coastal ZPPI information and 18 LP sets. The use of SST parameters of GHRSST images and the addition of chlorophyll-a parameters to MODIS-Aqua images are very effective and efficient ways of supporting the provision of coastal ZPPI information in the waters of Nias Island and its surroundings.


Potential Fishing Zones, Coastal ZPPI, GHRSST, Single Image Edge Detection (SIED), Nias Island

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