Suhendra Suhendra, Christopher Ari Setiawan, Teja Arief Wibawa, Berta Berlian Borneo


Bali is well-known as a popular tourism location for both local and foreign tourists. There are nine areas designated for tourism, eight of which are coastal. However, due to coastal erosion, the coastline of Bali is changing every year. The purpose of this study is to determine the changes that took place between 2015 and 2020 using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery. The study was conducted along the coastline of Bali Island at coordinates 08° 53' 35.5648" S, 114° 24' 41.8359" E and 08° 00' 46.7865" S, 115° 44' 17.5928" E. The coastlines were identified using the Otsu image thresholding method and linear tidal correction was performed. The coastline change analysis was made using the transect method. Ground truths were conducted in representative areas where major changes had occurred, either as a result of abrasion or accretion. According to the Sentinel-1 analysis, the coastline changes in Bali during the period 2015 – 2020 were mainly caused by abrasion, apart from at Buleleng, which were generally caused by accretion. Abrasion in Bali is dominantly affected by strong currents and high waves meanwhile accretion which having weak currents and low waves was more affected by human factor such as the construction in this study area.


Bali, coastline change, Sentinel-1, abrasion, accretion

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