Arfani Priyambodo, Adi Wibowo, M. Dadang Basuki


Air pollution conditions in urban areas continue to increase due to the volume of vehicles every year. This volume increases sources of pollution such as motor vehicles which account for 60-70% of pollution. This study aims to analyze the distribution of vehicle volume and spatial pattern of CO in Tangerang City and see the relationship. The analysis used is descriptive and statistical spatial analysis. The results showed the distribution of vehicle volume in the morning ranged from <800-1600 vehicles on primary collector roads, while in the afternoon, there were 800 to >2000 vehicles on primary arterial roads. The spatial pattern of CO that formed on primary and collector arterial roads with residential land uses, industrial areas, and warehouses, then the CO concentration tends to be high. Meanwhile, other primary collector roads have low to moderate CO concentrations. The Spearman test and linear regression results showed a significant effect between vehicle volume on the Tangerang City CO pattern, with a strength value of 0.689 and an R Square of 0.476.


Vehicle Volume; Air Pollution; Carbon Monoxide; Spatial Pattern

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