Farhan Anfasa Putra, Adi Wibowo, Iqbal Putut Ash Sidiq


The rapid growth of the population in Bandar Lampung has led to a change in the land's usage from vegetation to built-up land. In the end, less vegetation will be present, which also results in higher temperatures in urban. This study intends to identify the state of the city's building density, vegetation density, land surface temperature, and Local Climate Zone (LCZ) in Bandar Lampung. Local Climate Zone (LCZ) maps can provide information on the physical structure of urban planning based on building density, and vegetation density, and are useful in the mitigation and public monitoring of increasing urban temperatures. The data was collected using images from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS and high-resolution satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies downloaded using Google Earth Pro. Additionally, a field survey was used to measure the air temperature. The LCZ Generator WUDAPT is used to process LCZ data. The findings revealed that Bandar Lampung was dominated by medium-density buildings in the city's canter and medium-density vegetation in its western. The highest LST in residential areas is 35°C, while forest areas have the lowest LST at 15,68°C. There are 14 LCZ classifications, covering seven building types and seven land cover types. The dense tree zone has the highest vegetation density, the open low-rise zone has the highest land surface temperature, and the compact low-rise zone has the highest building density.


Bandar Lampung; Building Density; Vegetation Density; Local Climate Zone; Land Surface Temperature

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