Rizky Cahaya Meikatama, Adi Wibowo, Iqbal Putut Ash Sidiq


Bandar Lampung City, the capital city of Lampung Province in Indonesia, became the number three city on the island of Sumatra, with enormous population growth from 2000 to 2015. Population growth resulted in increasing built-up land affecting several aspects, one of which was the increase in surface temperature in urban areas. This study aims to determine changes in green open space, land surface temperature (LST), and the spatial pattern of changes in Bandar Lampung City. Data processing uses Landsat 8 imagery for green space and Google Earth Engine for LST. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of changes in green open space the east to west experienced a change in green open space to non-green open space which resulted in an increase in temperature in the east, southeast, and west, from 25-30oC the temperature increased to >30oC. The change in green open space in the west and some areas found that a change from non-RTH to a public or private green open space resulted in a decrease in temperature starting from 25-30oC decreased to 20-25oC. The spatial pattern of changes in green open space in Bandar Lampung City has a clustered pattern in the west and east of the area following the topography (100-500 masl). At the same time, the land surface temperature pattern (LST) in Bandar Lampung City has a clustered pattern at temperatures <20oC, 20-25oC (found at an altitude of 100-500 masl), and >30oC (following an altitude of 25-100 masl) while for temperatures 25-30oC has a scattered pattern (following an altitude of 25-100 masl) in Bandar Lampung City.


Green Open Space, Land Surface Temperature, Land Cover, Bandar Lampung, Remote sensing

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