Mauliza Fatwa Yusdian, Riyan Eko Prasetiyo, Asep Adang Supriyadi, Yosef Prihanto


The tsunami disaster is one of the non-military threats to the State of Indonesia. Pangandaran Regency has a coastline of 91 km which is directly opposite the Megathrust of West-Central Java. The coastal area of Pangandaran Regency is an important center of tourism and economic activity and a high risk area for tsunamis due to earthquakes. This study was conducted to model the tsunami and analyze the magnitude of the inundation generated in settlements and tourist attractions in Pangandaran Regency as a form of defensive effort in disaster mitigation. The method used is tsunami modeling based on earthquake parameters using winITDB software. After modeling, it will be continued with H-Loss calculations based on tsunami run-up height data parameters, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, land use or cover data, and shoreline data using Geographic Information Systems. The results of the tsunami modeling are that the estimation waves height and estimation time arrival from three tide gauges are 15,34 m and 31,13 minutes. The total inundation area is 31.081 ha. The area of inundation according to the classification of land use is the most crucial and includes life, namely settlements and places of activity covering an area of 2.339,2 ha.


Tsunami, Megathrust, winITDB, GIS

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UU No 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana.

UU No 3 Tahun 2002 tentang Pertahanan Negara.


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