Alberto Junior Hutagaol, Kuncoro Teguh Setiawan, Muhammad Sulaiman Nur Ubay, Hastuadi Harsa


Sea depth measurements are usually only carried out at locations that can be passed by ships, so measurements in shallow waters are often not possible. Along with the development of remote sensing technology, shallow water bathymetry mapping can now be done using satellite imagery. The Stumpf method is a ratio model that compares two bands in order to reduce the effect of water albedo. The purpose of this research is to study the processing of satellite imagery data for the detection of bathymetry in shallow sea waters, to determine the effect of the low pass filter, and to find out the methods for obtaining detection results with high accuracy. In this study, the primary data used was PlanetScope imagery from the NICFI program. Bathymetry detection of shallow marine waters was carried out around the waters of Putri Island, Seribu Islands Regency. The results of the accuracy test for the detection of shallow sea bathymetry without the application of a low pass filter using the confusion matrix method and the RMSE calculation have higher accuracy with an overall accuracy value of 94.17% and an RMSE value of 1.61


bathymetry detection, stumpf algorithm, Putri Island, PlanetScope

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