Ancaman Space Debris terhadap Kedaulatan Indonesia

Satria Anggoro Dewantoro, Ika Riswanti Putranti


Human exploration into outer space causes space to become full of space junk (Space Derbis). Indonesia itself is a country that has experienced the collapse of this space junk in several regions. This problem, makes Indonesia threatened by similar events that might occur. Therefore, the Indonesian government needs efforts to handle the Space Debris case due to space debris in Indonesia's airspace. This study aims to see how Indonesia as a sovereign country handles space debris due to space debris in Indonesia's airspace. The author will use the concept of State Sovereignty, in which the state has the highest authority to regulate and form legislation, as well as regulations regarding its sovereign territory which includes land, sea and air space. This research finds that Indonesia as a sovereign country has made efforts to handle space debris in Indonesian airspace, by establishing a special institution, making laws and conducting realtime monitoring of space debris in Indonesian air space.


Space Debris; Space Trash; State Sovereignty; LAPAN; Outer Space; Territorial Sovereignty


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