Publication fee

 Important Announcement: Introduction of Publication Fee for 2024
To Our Valued Authors and Contributors,
We are writing to inform you of a significant change in the publication process for the International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), which will take effect from January 1, 2024.
Introduction of Publication Fee
Beginning in 2024, IJReSES will introduce a publication fee for all manuscripts submitted for publication. This decision has been made to cover the increasing costs of maintaining high-quality publication standards, including editorial processes, online hosting, indexing, and ensuring open access to all published research.
Fee Structure:
The publication fee will be 750.000 IDR per accepted manuscript. This fee will be required only after the manuscript has undergone a successful peer review process and has been formally accepted for publication.
Fee Waivers and Discounts:
We understand that this change may impact authors, especially those from low-income regions or institutions with limited funding. IJReSES is committed to ensuring that financial constraints do not impede the publication of valuable research. Therefore, we will offer fee waivers and discounts on a case-by-case basis, particularly for authors in need of financial assistance.
Why a Publication Fee?
The introduction of a publication fee allows us to sustain the journal’s operational excellence while continuing to offer:
- Rigorous peer review and editorial support.
- High visibility and international reach.
- Continued adherence to open access principles, making your work freely available and widely accessible.
Further Information:
Detailed information regarding the fee structure, waiver applications, and payment process will be available on our website and in the Author Guidelines.
We appreciate your understanding and continued support in advancing the field of remote sensing and earth sciences. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Warm regards,
Muhammad Dimyati
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences