Rizatus Shofiyati, Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan, Parwati Sofan


Long droughts experienced in the past are identified as one of the main factors in the failure of rice production. In this regard, special attention to monitor the condition is encouraged to reduce the damage. Currently, various satellite data and approaches can withdraw valuable information for monitoring and anticipating drought hazards. MODIS, MTSAT, AMSR-E, TRMM and GSMaP have been used in this activity. Meteorological drought index (SPI) of the daily and monthly rainfall data from TRMM and GSMaP have analyzed for last 10-year period. While, agronomic drought index has been studied by observing the character of some indices (EVI, VCI, VHI, LST, and NDVI) of sixteen-day and monthly MODIS, MTSAT, and AMSR-E data at a period of 4 years. Network for satellite data transfer has been built between LAPAN (data provider), ICALRD (implementer), IAARD Cloud Computing, University of Tokyo (technical supporter), and NASA. Two information system have been developed: 1) agricultural drought using the model developed by LAPAN, and 2) meteorological drought developed by Takeuchi (University of Tokyo).The accuracy study using quantitative method for LAPAN model uses VHI is 60% (Kappa 0,44), while that of for University of Tokyo model uses qualitative model with KBDI value 500-600 shows an early indication of  drought for paddy field. This will help the government or field officers in rapid management actions for the indicated drought area.This paper describes the implementation and dissemination of drought impact monitoring model on the area of rice production center using an integrated information system satellite based model. The two developed information systems are effective for spatially dissemination of drought information.


Drought; Rice production; Satellite remote sensing; Information system

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