Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU) is a unit formed of hydrological analysis based on geology and soil type, slope, and land cover. This paper discussed the spatial pattern of Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU) in 1997-2009 and its impact on flow Ci Rasea watershed temporally. In this study, SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model, based on land cover changed, was used to get HRU and flow in spatially and temporally. This method used Landsat TM 1997, 2003 and 2009 data for land cover and daily rainfall 1997-2009 for flow modeling. The results showed the spatial pattern of HRU in temporally was affected by landcover based on the changing of HRU. The majority of HRU spatial pattern at Ci Rasea watershed were clustered. During 1997-2009, accumulated surface runoff and the changing of flow discharge were affected by changes of HRU spatial pattern. The biggest accumulated surface runoff in Ci Rasea watershed influenced by HRU of agricultural cropland in area of clay soil type with slope slightly obliquely. While the smallest accumulated surface runoff in Ci Rasea watershed influenced by HRU of paddy field in the area of sandy loam soil type with a gentle slope. The changes of HRU agriculture cropland become HRU mixed cropland in area clay soil type with slope at a slight angle and HRU agriculture cropland become HRU paddy field in area, sandy loam soil type with a gentle slope could be decreasing the accumulation of surface runoff in Ci Rasea watershed.
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