Linda Yunita, Nurwita Mustika Sari, Dony Kushardono


The southern coast of Pacitan Regency is one of the vulnerable areas to the tsunami. Therefore, the map of the vulnerable and safe area from the tsunami disaster is required. Currently, there are many mapping technologies with UAVs used for spatial analysis. One of the UAV technologies which used in this research is LAPAN Surveillance UAV 02 (LSU-02). This study aims to map the evacuation plan area from LSU-02 aerial imagery. Tsunami evacuation area was identified by processing the aerial photo data into orthomosaic and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The result shows that there are four points identified as the tsunami evacuation plan area. These points are located higher than the surrounding area and are easily accessible.


Aerial remote sensing, photo data of LSU-02, 3D modelling, tsunami

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