Amandangi Wahyuning Hastuti, Komang Iwan Suniada, Fikrul Islamy


Mangrove vegetation is one of the forest ecosystems that offers a potential of substantial greenhouse gases (GHG) emission mitigation, due to its ability to sink the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process. Mangroves have been providing multiple benefits either as the source of food, the habitat of wildlife, the coastline protectors as well as the CO2 absorber, higher than other forest types. To explore the role of mangrove vegetation in sequestering the carbon stock, the study on the use of remotely sensed data in estimating carbon stock was applied. This paper describes an examination of the use of remote sensing data particularly Landsat-data with the main objective to estimate carbon stock of mangrove vegetation in Perancak Estuary, Jembrana, Bali. The carbon stock was estimated by analyzing the relationship between NDVI, Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and Below Ground Biomass (BGB). The total carbon stock was obtained by multiplying the total biomass with the carbon organic value of 0.47. The study results show that the total accumulated biomass obtained from remote sensing data in Perancak Estuary in 2015 is about 47.20±25.03 ton ha-1 with total carbon stock of about 22.18±11.76 tonC ha-1and CO2 sequestration 81.41±43.18 tonC ha-1.


Perancak Estuary; carbon stock estimation; mangrove; CO2 sequestration;NDVI

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