Sartono Marpaung, Risky Faristyawan, Anang Dwi Purwanto, Wikanti Asriningrum, Argo Galih Suhada, Teguh Prayogo, Jansen Sitorus


Abstract. This study examines the density of potential fishing zone (PFZ) points and chlorophyll-a concentration in the Banda Sea. The data used are those on chlorophyll-a from the Aqua MODIS satellite, PFZ points from ZAP and the monthly southern oscillation index. The methods used are single image edge detection, polygon center of mass, density function and a Hovmoller diagram. The result of the analysis show that productivity of chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea is influenced by seasonal factors (dry season and wet season) and ENSO phenomena (El Niño and La Niña). High productivity of chlorophyll-a  occurs during in the dry season with the peak in August, while low productivity occurs in the wet season and the transition period, with the lowest levels in April and December. The variability in chlorophyll-a production is influenced by the global El Niño and La Niña phenomena; production increases during El Niño and decreases during La Niña. Tuna conservation areas have as lower productivity of chlorophyll-a and PFZ point density compared to the northern and southern parts of the Banda Sea. High density PFZ point regions are associated with regions that have higher productivity of chlorophyll-a, namely the southern part of the Banda Sea, while low density PFZ point areas  are associated with regions that have a low productivity of chlorophyll-a, namely tuna conservation areas. The effect of the El Niño phenomenon in increasing chlorophyll-a concentration is stronger in the southern part of study area than in the tuna conservation area. On the other hand, the effect of La Niña phenomenon in decreasing chlorophyll-a concentration is stronger in the tuna conservation area than in the southern and northern parts of the study area.



PFZ point, density, chlorophyll-a, water fertility, Hovmoller, Banda Sea

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