Khalifah Insan Nur Rahmi, Sayidah Sulma, Indah Prasasti


The Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) is the sensor aboard the remote-sensing satellite Himawari-8 which records the Earth’s weather and land conditions every 10 minutes from a geostationary orbit. The imagery produced known as Himawari-8 has 16 bands which cover visible, near infrared, middle infrared and thermal infrared wavelength potentials to monitor forestry phenomena. One of these is forest/land fires, which frequently occur in Indonesia in the dry season. Himawari-8 can detect hotspots in thermal bands 5 and band 7 using absolute fire pixel (AFP) and possible fire pixel (PFP) algorithms. However, validation has not yet been conducted to assess the accuracy of this information. This study aims to validate hotspots identified from Himawari images based on information from Landsat 8 images, field surveys and burnout data. The methodology used to validate hotspots comprises AFP and PFP extraction, determining firespots from Landsat 8, buffering at 2 km from firespots, field surveys, burnout data, and calculation of accuracy. AFP and PFP hotspot validation of firespots from Landsat-8 is found to have higher accuracy than the other options. In using Himawari-8 hotspots to detect land/forest fires in Central Kalimantan, the AFP algorithm with 2km radius has accuracy of 51.33% while the PFP algorithm has accuracy of 27.62%.


hotspot; Himawari-8; validation; Landsat 8; forest/land fire

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