Asih Sekar Sesama, Kuncoro Teguh Setiawan, Atriyon Julzarika


Bathymetry refers to the depth of the seabed relative to the lowest water level. Depth information is essential for various studies of marine resource activities, for managing port facilities and facilities, supporting dredging operations, and predicting the flow of sediment from rivers into the sea. Bathymetric mapping using remote sensing offers a more flexible, efficient,and cost-effective method and covers a largearea. This study aims to determine the ability of Planet Scope imagery to estimate and map bathymetry and to as certain its accuracy using the Stumpf algorithm on the in-situ depth data. PlanetScope level 3B satellite imagery and tide-corrected survey dataare employed; satellite images are useful in high-precision bathymetry extraction.The bathymetric extraction method used the Stumpf algorithm. The research location was Kemujan Island, Karimunjawa Islands, Central Java. The selection of this region wasbased on its water characteristics, which have a reasonably high variation in depth. Based on the results of the data processing, it was found that the PlanetScope image data were able to estimate depths of up to 20 m. In the bathymetric results, the R2 accuracy value was 0.6952, the average RMSE value was 2.85 m,and the overall accuracy rate was 71.68%.


marine resources activity, Stumpf algorithm, Karimun Jawa Island, remote sensing, water characteristics

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