Estimation of aboveground carbon stock on stands vegetation, especially in green open space, has become an urgent issue in the effort to calculate, monitor, manage, and evaluate carbon stocks, especially in a massive urban area such as Samarinda City, Kalimantan Timur Province, Indonesia. The use of Sentinel-1 imagery was maximised to accommodate the weaknesses in its optical imagery, and combined with its ability to produce cloud-free imagery and minimal atmospheric influence. The study aims to test the accuracy of the estimated model of above-ground carbon stocks, to ascertain the total carbon stock, and to map the spatial distribution of carbon stocks on stands vegetation in Samarinda City. The methods used included empirical modelling of carbon stocks and statistical analysis comparing backscatter values and actual carbon stocks in the field using VV and VH polarisation. Model accuracy tests were performed using the standard error of estimate in independent accuracy test samples. The results show that Samarinda Utara subdistrict had the highest carbon stock of 3,765,255.9 tons in the VH exponential model. Total carbon stocks in the exponential VH models were 6,489,478.1 tons, with the highest maximum accuracy of 87.6 %, and an estimated error of 0.57 tons/pixel.
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