Muhammad Dimyati, Muhamad Rafli, Astrid Damayanti


The South Bali coast is prone to abrasion due to its geographical position facing the Indian Ocean. High sea waves and currents in the south of Bali will erode beaches whose lithology and morphology are prone to abrasion. Land cover conditions that do not support coastal protection will also affect the high abrasion of the southern coast of Bali. This study aims to analyze the shoreline changes in South Bali from 1995-2021. The analytical method used is the Digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS), with data from Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, and Sentinel 2A. The analysis results show that the area directly facing the waves is relatively high, with volcanic rock formations, and there is no mangrove as coastal protection. The lack of good coastal management shows the area with the highest abrasion. It was found in the western part of Tabanan Regency, eastern Gianyar, and southern Badung. Meanwhile, the average coastal accretion was relatively high in the neck of South Bali, in areas where the land cover was mangrove and adjacent to river mouths, which experienced much sedimentation.

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