Mohammad Ardha, Muhammad Rokhis Khomarudin, Gatot Nugroho


The Sumatran tiger is an animal whose life is threatened due to land use changes and human activities. This study described the correlations between land cover/use change and the potential loss of Sumatran tigers in Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP) based on remote sensing data. Remote sensing technology was used due to the good historical data, and it can be used for land cover change analysis. The results of the land change analysis can be used to the analysis of the changes in the suitability level of the Sumatran tiger habitat. The analysis of land change in 2000 and 2020 with the random forest classification method and changes in the level of suitability of the Sumatran Tiger habitat has been carried out. The results of the analysis of land cover/use changes showed a very significant reduction in the area of primary forest, namely 282.58 km2, while the increase in the area of plantations and secondary forests was 186.52 km2 and 101.68 km2. This change affects the suitability level of the Sumatran tiger habitat from a very suitable level decreased from 164.42 km2 to suitable and not suitable. The declining suitability level class indicated the potential loss of Sumatran tigers in the Kerinci Seblat National Park. The increasing of plantation and settlement areas will increase the activity of humans. The conflict of human activity with Sumatran tigers’ life will impact the loss of Sumatran Tigers in KSNP


Sumatran Tigers, landuse/cover change, habitat suitability level, Kerinci Seblat National Park

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