Wikanti Asriningrum, Azura Ulfa, Kholifatul Aziz, Kuncoro Teguh Setiawan, Dyah Pangastuti


Processing of satellite image data for the detection of platform reef lagoons is intended as one of the geo-physical parameters of the reef landform. Panggang Island and Semakdaun Island were chosen to make the detection model because they are ideal for lagoon reef landforms and tapulang court reefs. This model is only valid in the continental shelf area and the back arc and small island tectonic type. Determination of this location is done to improve the accuracy of spectral-based data processing. Platform reefs are one of four classes of reef landforms. Sentinel-2A data with a spatial resolution of 10m, blue, green, red, and near infrared bands were selected to investigate their ability to detect lagoons. Processing of data by calculating the Optimum Index Factor (OIF) to produce a composite image and drawing transect lines to produce pixel values and spectral graphics of the lagoon. The results of data processing in the form of graphs, composite images and pixel values were built to realize a digital lagoon detection model. These results are used for lagoon growth stage analysis for the classification of three reef platform landforms, visually and digitally interpretation. This digital and visual detection system design is useful for monitoring coral reef ecosystems.


Sentinel-2, lagoon, platform reef, Panggang Island, Semakdaun Island

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