Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts submission to the IJReSES must be original with a clear definition of the objective(s), material used (data), methods applied, results, and should not have been published or offered for publication or submitted elsewhere. The manuscript should be written in English, using single line spacing on single-sided A4 size paper with 2.5 cm left and right margins, 2.5 cm upper and lower margins . The author(s) is (are) also required to submit original version of figures embedded in the paper along with their captions. All figures should be in tiff or jpeg format with high resolution (300 or 600 dpi). References listed in the text should follow the Springer basic (Author-date) style.
Manuscript Preparation
- Title should be concise and informative and not exceeding 15 words.
- The author name(s) and affiliation(s) should be written in the footnotes at the bottom of the title page.
- Abstract should contain a summary of the paper including brief introduction, the objective(s), method, and principal conclusions. Abstract should not exceed 250 words. Keywords are between 3 to 5 words and must be relevant to the subject. Do not use any sub-headings.
- Materials and methods used should clearly and concisely describe the experiment with sufficient details for independent repetition.
- Results should be presented with optimum clarity and without unnecessary detail. Results should also be presented in figures or tables but not duplicated in both format. Tables should be typed with same font size as the text and given consecutive Arabic number.
- Discussion should explain the significant findings and other important aspects of the research. Do not repeat material and methodology.
- Citation should be written in the text by the author’s last name and year in one or two forms: Field et al. (1996) or (Field et al., 1996). For references with more than two authors, list the first author plus et al.
- Conclusion should be concise and answer the objective(s).
- Acknowledgment, if any, should be kept at minimum (less than 40 words)
- References should be in alphabetical order. It should be written as follows:
Field, C.B., M.J. Behrenfeld, J.T. Randerson, and P. Falkowski, 1998, Primary production of the biosphere: integrating terrestrial and oceanic components. Science, 281(5374):237-240.
- Acronym or uncommon abbreviations must be given in full at the first text mentioned. New abbreviation should be coined only for unwieldy names and should not be used at all unless the names occur frequently.
- Latin name and family of the species should be given besides its common name at the first mention in the manuscript , and the common name only for subsequent mentions.
- International Standard unit system (kg, m, s, etc) should be used for all manuscripts.